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Infertility or inability to conceive a baby is an emotionally unpleasant and highly difficult scenario for couples who want to expand their families but are unable to do so.

The word may sound unfamiliar to beginners, yet it is really simple to comprehend. Secondary infertility is a medical condition in which a woman is unable to conceive a child despite preparing for the second time. Theories have identified several key circumstances in which appropriate therapies and coping methods exist to deal with this medical condition, but the reality is quite different. Dealing with secondary infertility issues has its terms and circumstances, and expert help is required to see it through to completion. So, let us.

Why can’t I conceive for the second time?

Well, the most prominent and common question that may arise in your mind in this situation is why you are not able to make it. In most cases, secondary fertility may happen due to various common and obvious reasons that you might have ignored at a certain stage.

The ageing factor. Yes, the age gap does have a significant influence in this scenario, especially if you had your first kid at the age of 32 or later; I’m still expecting to have a second child around 37 or 39. Believe it or not, age is a significant deciduous factor in this scenario and determines the outcome accordingly. However, the situation may improve.
Second, if you are attempting to have a child with a new partner, you may develop secondary infertility. This might be due to fluctuating sperm count, resulting in unexplained infertility difficulties for the second time. However, medical issues might differ from person to person, but the fundamental issue stays the same.

Another obvious cause of secondary infertility might be endometriosis, or variations in your ovarian reserve that you are unaware of.

This is not entirely predicted, however being overweight increases the likelihood of secondary infertility. Being overweight or underweight might cause a variety of ovulation issues. Pregnancy and other factors, such as poor sleep or stress, are common causes of weight increase among new parents. Certainly, this becomes a significant contributing component here.
Women who have previously had diabetes or high blood pressure are also more prone to acquire this condition. These characteristics were not shown to be particularly crucial for secondary infertility, although they do have a significant influence on a woman’s chances.

Possible treatments


There are several medical therapies available for secondary infertility. However, secondary infertility treatment is similar to many treatments used to treat initial infertility. Also, there might be a variety of hormonal and physiological factors, although they can be prevented to some extent.

IVF Treatment: During vitro fertilisation, eggs are taken from the body and combined with sperm in the laboratory to create embryos.

These are then placed back into the uterus to complete the infertility therapy successfully.

Without a doubt, IVF therapy is one of the most successful procedures of treatment in which the ova is fertilised by

What should be done then?

The first thing you should know is whether or not you are suffering from this condition. Second, evaluate your age, since this will determine the scope of assistance and prescription you require. If you are between the ages of 32 and 35, seek expert medical help if you are unable to conceive after a year of trying. Often, you may be mislead by your expectation that if you keep trying, you may conceive one day, even if an inappropriate amount of time has gone. However, if you continue to put off obtaining treatment, your chances of conceiving it will decrease. So, never delay because there is still no certainty.

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