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Naa Jaane Kyun Hota Hai Yeh Zindagi Ke Saath


Many women find it easy to become pregnant, but others may not. Young ladies spend their entire lives claiming that they will have children in the future, so when it does not happen, they frequently question, “Why Me?” The fact that young girls often spend so many years trying not to become pregnant makes it all the more shocking when they discover that it is not going to happen. You won’t know if you can have a baby unless you try. Being unable to have a baby may be a very silent situation, with no indications or symptoms of an underlying illness.

Infertility is a major worry these days, and it is critical to identify the causes so that it may be treated. Nowadays, not having children might be due to either choice or circumstance. Approximately 80% of women who do not have children are childless by circumstance, not choice.

Why can she have a baby?

Before considering a probable reason of female infertility, it is necessary to understand the conditions required for a pregnancy to develop spontaneously


• A good quality egg.

• Good-quality sperm

• A healthy and functional Fallopian tube allows the egg and sperm to meet


• A healthy uterus may contain the embryo

• Ability to engage in sexual intercourse; and, of course

• Good physical and mental health.

Why can’t I have a Baby?


The act of becoming a mother is dependent on specific biological parameters, which every woman must satisfy in order to have a kid. Humans are not particularly fertile to begin with. The chances of a young couple becoming pregnant after one month of frequent intercourse are just approximately 25%. Problems that can lead to infertility include those that you were born with, those caused by ageing, and those that cannot be determined.

Direct causes of female reproductive issues can be linked to each organ in the reproductive system, including the ovary, uterus, Fallopian tube, cervix, and vagina. On the other hand, the defect might be in the brain (hypothalamus pituitary), which regulates the female reproductive organs.


Too Many Eggs but still no baby : PCOS link to Infertility!!!


PCOS is the leading cause of infertility in women. PCOS is primarily a hormonal imbalance that causes infrequent, if not persistent, anovulation (the inability to release an egg). PCOS is a syndrome in which women have an excess of eggs in their ovaries, but none of them mature and are discharged from the ovary. A pregnancy cannot occur without the release of an egg (ovulation). However, PCOS is not the worst thing in the world; it is preferable for a woman to have an excess of eggs than an insufficient number.

The Ticking Biological Clock : Age and Infertility


Let’s be clear: Infertility management is largely about time management. Female age is not only a major factor in female infertility, but it is also one of the most critical elements in determining the efficacy of reproductive treatments. Women are just ‘warehouses’ of eggs, not ‘producers,’ which means that as a woman matures, the quantity and quality of her eggs decline. Every menstrual cycle, numerous eggs are recruited from the woman’s ovaries, but only a small percentage mature and are discharged. This indicates that there is a significant waste of eggs throughout each menstrual cycle, resulting in a continuous depletion of eggs over time.

The pace of depletion varies from woman to woman, as does the numerical age.

Still an Enigma : Endometriosis and Infertility


Endometriosis is a word that many of us have heard but may not understand. Endometriosis is a disorder in which the tissue that typically lines the interior of a woman’s uterus develops outside of it.

Endometriosis not only affects the ovary, reducing the quality and number of eggs, but it also causes scarring and distortion, which impairs the Fallopian tubes and the eggs’ capacity to fertilise.

Aside from morphological deformity, endometriosis may cause the release of specific chemicals and immunological factors, both of which may contribute to infertility.

The Transport Trouble : Tubal Factors and Infertility


The Fallopian tube transports eggs and sperm. It is also where the female egg and sperm meet to get fertilised. Natural conception is difficult due to the tube being blocked on both sides.

Infection, damage, scarring from PID, endometriosis, or surgical treatments such as pregnancy termination can all impact the tubes. It may obstruct the passage of the egg from the Fallopian tube to the uterus, as well as the sperm’s transfer to the uterus, making fertilisation difficult.

The Woes of the Womb : Uterus and Infertility


The womb is where the embryo grows until it becomes a fully fledged infant. Problems in the womb might exist from birth or arise later on, either naturally or as a result of certain illnesses and/or operations.The uterus may be missing or duplicated during birth.

In certain situations, a growth known as a fibroid can distort the womb and prevent fertilised eggs from implanting. Asherman’s syndrome is a disorder in which the uterus is injured due to the womb lines sticking together. Asherman’s syndrome can be caused by TB or after certain surgical operations. This may prevent sperms from reaching eggs.

To Sum Up


Having a baby may appear to be simple on the outside, but it may be far more complicated. Reproduction is as intricate as assembling the small pieces of a computer to make it function, and it is nothing short of a miracle when everything comes together correctly and a baby is born. However, that is only under ideal conditions, which have recently shown to be difficult to obtain.

Motherhood is the only fuel that will drive you to attempt the impossible! I hope you deliver the finest piece of art into the world!


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