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You can Botox your face; not your eggs


Women are egg stores, but males may generate sperm throughout their whole lives. There are several instances in which women discover that they have expended all of their eggs or do not have ovaries. With egg donation becoming a more viable choice for motherhood, an increasing number of couples are contemplating it as a means of expanding their family.

Am I the right candidate for egg donation?

Egg donation is available as an option in the following cases:


• Women at risk of spreading a hereditary condition.


• women with recurrent IVF rounds, indicating low egg quality


The most typical reason for choosing for egg donation is for women who have

• women with recurrent IVF rounds, indicating low egg quality.

The most prevalent reason for choosing egg donation is for women who have been diagnosed with poor ovarian reserve, particularly those seeking conception after the age of 35.

I’m 37. Where am I on my ovarian reserve scale?


There are basically three ways to learn about your ovarian reserve:

1. Blood levels of AMH.

2. A transvaginal ultrasound for antral follicular count (AFC)


3. Blood test on the 2nd or 3rd day of your cycle.

These test findings provide a decent indication of whether to consider conception with your own eggs or to opt for egg donation.

I’ve 40 and have been advised to undergo IVF. Should I consider IVF with my own eggs or donor eggs?


At the age of 40, the amount and quality of eggs are poor, resulting in a very low success rate with IVF. In contrast, IVF with donor eggs has a very high success rate because the egg donors are in their 20s or early 30s. Aside from the technological simplicity with which donor eggs may now be recovered, the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and less possibilities of miscarriage lead to egg donation as the first option.

What is the reason for a low ovarian reserve?


Families are starting later than they were a decade ago due to shifting societal norms. Due to rising infertility, the issue of poor ovarian reserve has emerged.

The quantity and quality of eggs differ between women of the same age. There is a considerable likelihood that egg numbers may drop with age.



Is IVF with donor eggs a complicated and long drawn out process?


Not really; certainly not as much as the surrogacy programme is. The intricacies comprise screening and advising both the donor and the recipient, synchronising the donor and recipient cycles, developing eggs and retrieving them from the donor, and transferring embryos to the recipient. After therapy and both partners’ approval, the period necessary is around 2 – 3 weeks.

Biology-beating moms are no longer just a celebrity fad; an increasing number of people are choosing egg donation to fulfil their parenting goals. Consider the egg donor to be an angel who has appeared as a blessing in your life to guide you into the world of parenthood!


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