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Factors affecting IVF

Factors Affecting Fertility Treatment

Not being able to conceive naturally is definitely a matter of concern. Many couples opt for an IVF treatment, but, fail to understand that efforts need to be taken from both the sides. Going through IVF is an extremely sensitive matter as your emotions are deeply connected to the outcome. Know about some factors that affect your treatment, either making it very smooth or turning it into a failure. Dr. Seema Jain is one of the top 5 Gynecologist in Pune.
Affecting Factors are

  • Maternal age
    Your overall health conditions matter the most for a success with IVF. Whether you have the ideal required parameters like
  • Body weight.
  • BMI
  • Quality of eggs.
  • Quantity of eggs.
  • History of some uterine problems.
  • Past pregnancies

If you had a successful pregnancy in the past, success rate for IVF is high. Previous miscarriages can sometimes lead to failure of IVF,  as the miscarriage(s) clearly show that your body is finding it difficult to support your baby inside. You can initially build up all the necessary parameters, due to which you had to face a miscarriage and then go for an IVF. This will increase the chances of success.

  • Lifestyle factors

Smoking and alcohol can affect conception to a great extent. Men who smoke do not produce good quality sperms. The chances of fertilization with those sperms are exceptionally low. Women who smoke, too, will definitely not be able to carry the transferred embryo for long. Even while, the foetus is safe, proper growth cannot be ensured.

  • Choose your fertility center wisely

Your expert must have good experience in the process. From preparation to implantation, everything needs to be done perfectly.

  • Ensure the lab environment

Infertility labs are one kind of purest labs. Air inside the labs is the main constituent for good fertilization. High quality HVAC (Heating, ventilating and air conditioning) units are of paramount importance. These do not let fungi or micro-organisms survive inside the lab. They are further equipped with charcoal filters and HEPA (high efficiency particulate air filters). Air inside the fertility lab must keep changing around 20-25 times per hour.

Failure stories… whether to conclude by listening to them?

People may come up with their success stories as well as failure stories. Failure stories hamper your mind and heart making you think negative and keep you doing nothing but worry. Dr. Seema Jain ranks in Top 5 Gynecologist in Pune.

  • No eggs and still a “NO” to a donor: Women who do not have their own eggs are still reluctant to accept donor’s eggs might not be able to go for IVF. Egg donation would be advisable, as, if the mother has poor quality eggs, a successful IVF cannot be guaranteed.
  • Unhealthy uterus and related problems: Women who have had problems related to their uterus like fibroids and other ovarian issues need to resolve the problems completely before IVF.
  • High BMI index: Obesity hampers the reproductive system leaving it to produce low quality eggs. IVF cannot work with low quality eggs. You need to get yourself on the correct BMI parameters before going for an IVF.


  • Stay fertile in your mind : Time to build up mental health.

Your thoughts and beliefs affect your fertility levels to an extent. This automatically reduces the chances of your conception; be it naturally or through IVF. Your body and mind are one electromechanical system.
Work on your subconscious mind. Train your mind to seek what your body wants. Stress and anxiety levels can be controlled through regular meditation and yoga practices.
As IVF treatment & success stories are a team effort; you have to help yourselves before anyone else can help you.

About the Doctor
Dr. Seema Jain is one of Top 5 Gynecologist in Pune at CheQKmate, renowned Fertility & IVF Center in Pune PCMC providing support and care. Begin your journey towards parenthood with Dr. Seema Jain, Gynecologist & Fertility Specialist at CheQKmate, an advanced Fertility & IVF in Pune, PCMC. As a dedicated fertility specialist, she offers comprehensive care, ensuring tailor-made solutions. If you’re searching for the best fertility doctor in Pimple Saudagar, Pune, trust Dr. Seema Jain’s expertise. Our fertility clinic near you is committed to providing unparalleled services in a state-of-the-art facility

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